The Path of Most Resistance: Your Hidden Opportunity

What if the success you seek in your life is actually already ready and willing to receive you? The reason why you haven't seen it yet is not because it's not there or it's hard to get there. It's because you haven't expanded your capacity to receive the amazing opportunities that are already yours, and waiting for you.

While our society glorifies the effort put into the achievement of our goals, the effort is actually only the first part of our success. Remember: our outer world is a direct reflection of our inner world.

All that we desire already exists. We must simply rise to the occasion. Rise to our better selves, rise up with our own voices, and rise to a higher plane of living.

How do we rise up out and forward from our current selves to embrace our goals?

Accept that We All Have “The Work” to Do

One of the most common factors that separate those who are truly successful: not just by means of wealth, status, and career success but success in life: in relationships, friendships, and above all our physical and mental wellness, is the simple truth that those who think they’ve done all the work they need to do on themselves, are stuck.

Consider this is the terms of our physical body: even when one works out regularly and achieves a certain physique, say as in a professional athlete, the individual still has to continue their training. If they don’t, their body will regress back into being unfit: muscles turn to fat, energy turns to exhaustion, and performance suffers despite rank, title, or previous victory.

The Key Term to Remember: Resistance

When the work carries a level of resistance, meaning a habit is difficult to break, a relationship is difficult to leave, or an area of emotional and personal growth is difficult to overcome, change, or evolve, that’s when we know we are doing “the work”

Resistance is our self’s way of highlighting an urgent need for change:

  • What triggers you or makes you emotional? (ie. distrust from prospects, lost sales, complaints?)

  • What have you said you wanted to change this year that you’re still not doing? (ie. bad habits?)

  • What stories are you holding on to? (ie. stories excusing and projecting the lack you feel)

  • What belief systems are keeping you from going up a level in yourself and life? (ie. myths)

  • If it feels difficult, you’re doing right. The harder it is to change, the greater the reward.

  • Again, think of it like working out your body. If you don’t have the resistance coming from your bands, weights, and body, you will not be changing or improving anything. The better and fitter we are physically and mentally, the greater the need for more resistance, for bigger challenges.

The Bigger You Get The Harder the Challenges

Successful individuals differ from the contrary because they embrace and celebrate the challenge. They do this because they’ve done previous work on themselves and now have the courage to take on more and become a bigger vessel to which can hold a greater amount of light, power, influence, and impact. Failing to challenge ourselves keeps our vessel small making it difficult for our lives to have any room for new relationships, new opportunities, and new levels of success.

So if you think you’re done working on yourself: you need way more than you think. Especially with that attitude.

How do we get started?

Here’s 5 ways to start your mental, emotional, and spiritual resistance exercise:

Which area of your life has been overlooked, neglected, or pushed aside? Work taking over your family, relationship, or health? Relationships are solid but taking time away from your self-development? Is your physical health well but your finances are causing stress? Are you compromising your self care routine to be more social?

Fact: Entrepreneurs take on so much that having all areas fulfilled is always a challenge

What Will be your One Focus? We are much more likely to succeed when we focus on one thing at a time. It makes change achievable which keeps momentum/

Fact: Focusing on improving too many things at once causes overwhelm

What stories and limiting beliefs do you carry? What stories are you carrying about this area of your life? Acknowledge all the limiting beliefs that surface when you ask yourself why it is not going to plan.

Fact: We often neglect the areas of our lives that need the most work which makes the negative consequences worse as time goes by without correction (ie. neglecting your children due to work can have irreparable damage on the family)

What kind of help do you need? Are you stuck due to lack of knowledge, insights, guidance, or assistance? Identify the gaps in your knowledge to blow through the barriers. Getting unstuck often comes with a little education and clear beginning steps.

What habit must I establish and stay consistent with? This refers to the micro-step that you will do on a daily basis to keep yourself grounded, balanced, focussed, confident, and positive. Are you doing your morning walks? Your affirmations? Your journaling? What do you need to do every day to inch yourself to greater development.

Pro Tip: When staying consistent with a daily task, ritual or routine, do it for a day and write down how that ritual impacted the rest of the day, week, or even month. Establishing the positive feelings and impact motivate you to do it more making it part of a routine that will fast track you to a better you.

Keep it simple. You’re stronger than you think. Just show up.

For more insights, tips, strategies, or if you would like to speak one-on-one about your experiences navigating through your journey to a better you, call me: 647-898-9190 or email me at


Be Deaf to Negativity and All Ears to Failure: Prove Yourself Right