My Underdog Story: From Overworked Consultant to Stress Free Consultancy Owner

When I first started my consultancy four years ago, I was completely overwhelmed with my lack of resources, budget, team, and online presence. Feeling like I needed to compete with PR agencies, where my former classmates now work, who have large content strategy teams and writers, big box brand clients, and tons of digital marketing and social media advertising dollars to spend to get in front of their clients, I knew I could never beat them or even compete.

What I did know, was that I was different. I knew my approach was different and that I would likely become my own boss and create something that was mine. Something that I could comfortably call my legacy.

When I first started, I only really had one competitive advantage: my drive, tenacity, passion, and the willingness to spend way more non-billed hours for my clients than any other PR agency would ever allow just to keep their clients happy. 

After graduating with my postgrad in public relations and corporate communications, spending years as a journalist, than as an underpaid content writer for digital brands, I got certified as a consultant. Even with no online presence, I managed to keep my clients by spending hours with them building their trust and demonstrating my loyalty by bending over backwards and taking their calls in the middle of the night just to prove I was worthy of their business. 

It worked. Word got around and I had a full client base of coaches and female entrepreneurs to whom I would do almost anything for: building their business plan, managing social media accounts, writing press releases, even helping them with sales training. I stopped at nothing to provide value in absolutely any way I could.

Then, I was hospitalized and out of commission or almost two years due to lack of sleep, overwhelm over exhaustion and total burn out. To make matters worse, I felt like I was losing my authenticity as a writer and lover of the written word. With my new business, I was barely writing and selling myself short.

I learned that in order for me to truly add value to my budding entrepreneurs, they needed to not need me as much as they did. They needed someone to nurture their independence as business owners. Not just someone who would do it all for them.

Something was in my way. I left content writing because I was underpaid and as the field moved to digital marketing and advertising I doubted the power and appreciation for quality content. Until I learned that the right businesses were focusing their energies on content strategy as their primary tool for building trust. 

Trust, loyalty and integrity were my underdog competitive advantages and content remains my craft, art, and expertise. Now it’s my specialty. Now, after recovering from the hospital about two and a half years ago, I transformed myself from being an over-giving generalist branding consultant to the owner of a brand consultancy specializing in content and inbound marketing strategy. 

Today, I have transformed my consulting agency into a profitable business that: 

  • Doesn’t burn me out 

  • Doesn’t require any high tech solutions 

  • Needs no budget for unnecessary advertising 

  • Has an inbound strategy that ensures I spend 3x amount of time on adding value to my clients

  • I spend 70% less time on marketing myself and chasing leads 

  • Has a focussed niche market that values my values and trusts me like I trust them

  • Delivers roughly 5 qualified leads a week without posting content everyday or being an influencer online. 

  • Puts my zone of genius at the forefront of my service so my clients WANT to give me referrals and sing my praise.

But having the right inbound strategy takes time with an expert to put together properly. You need a deep dive analysis of your brand, value proposition, audience insights, digital landscape and monitoring system to ensure a successful content strategy. 

My B2B consultant clients know that success is about quality not quantity. They understand that a targeted client, guided through the buyer’s journey with strategic audience-centred content can build relationships for the long haul and keep them afloat even in a crisis. 

How would your life and business change if you could spend less time, energy and money in getting more business transactions and more time serving ideal clients that transform your business and provide you with referrals because of the results you've delivered?

I have an answer. This week I’m sparing some time slots to host free inbound marketing strategy sessions for consultants like you! 

In this power session we’ll identify your ideal client, ideas for content that will speak to them, how to build trust and tools to get you started. 

Click the link below to book your free consultation:


Managing Stress: What Separates the Burnouts from the Always Burning


Healthy Ambition vs. Toxic Ambition